Constance McMillen
All Mississippi high school student Constance McMillen wanted to do was dress up in a tuxedo and take her girlfriend to the senior prom. But her school, Itawamba Agricultural High, had a rule against same-sex prom dates and refused her request. After the school received a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union on McMillen’s behalf, the entire prom was canceled. The courageous McMillen, with the help of the ACLU, filed a federal lawsuit and in a preliminary hearing a judge found that her First Amendment right to freedom of expression had been violated. It’s expected that the case will go to trial. At 18, McMillen already has a strong sense of community, and she has been honored for it with an appointment to serve as a Grand Marshal at this year’s New York City Pride March. She says, “I just hope that what I’m doing will help make LGBT students more confident about standing up for themselves, and that students won’t have to go through what I have.” -CB