100 Women We Love Class of 2010

As the first decade of the new millennium comes to an end, we take a moment to celebrate 100 out lesbians who have made the past year one of inspiring change and amazing progress.

Jessica Flatequal

Mankato, Minnesota native Jessica Flatequal came out in 1991 and struggled to find support in her small city. Shortly thereafter, while attending college at Minnesota State University Mankato, she found help and guidance during her coming out process in the school’s LGBT Center. She went on to work for the LGBT Center and has served as its director since 2004. “I am fortunate to be a part of making change on campus every day, and to be a part of so many students’ development, whether through the coming out process, or through their development as activists, leaders, and educators,” Flatequal says. With the dearth of LGBT establishments in Southern Minnesota, she observed that people from all over sought help from the LGBT Center. In 2006, she co-founded the nonprofit South Central Minnesota Pride, Inc., and serves as the organization’s Chair. SCMN Pride offers support and activities and coordinates a variety of Pride events. -CB

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