Welcome to “Seven Minutes in Heaven,” GO Magazine’s interview series that profiles a different queer babe each day, by asking them seven unique (and sometimes random) questions. Get to know the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of the groundbreaking, fierce forces-of-nature in the queer community.

Jes Tom is a hilarious comedian. But like actually funny, not the type of comedian who makes jokes at other people’s expense. They pull from their own life experiences and ensure that their shows are a space where queer and trans POC can feel safe and uplifted. I first saw them perform at a benefit event for domestic violence survivors and they kept the crowd laughing through sharing vulnerable stories about Tinder fails, gay porn and the blunders of falling in love.
Get to know Jes in our Seven Minutes in Heaven with them.
GO Magazine: Who are you and what do you do?
Jes Tom: My name is Jes Tom, my pronouns are they/them, and I’m a stand up comic & actor in NYC.
GO: What is the driving force behind your career/activism?
JT: As an entertainer, I have two goals:
1. To bring laughter to queer people, trans people, and people of color, especially during such relentlessly oppressive times.
2. To expand the collective imagination in a way that humanizes queer people, trans people, and people of color.
GO: Where do you go for inspiration when you’re feeling discouraged or depleted?
JT: I check out the art that my friends are making. My friends are visionary geniuses, and seeing them shine inspires me to keep working toward being as cool as them!

GO: Describe your comic style in three words?
JT: Full of surprises.
GO: What music are you listening to right now?
JT: Honestly? I’ve been alternating between oldies and Cardi B.
GO: Do you have any exciting new projects you can tell us about?
JT: You can see me in SJ Son’s short film “Soojung Dreams of Fiji,” which will be available on Amazon on November 9th. I’m also gearing up to produce a web series of my own in 2018, so please hold me accountable to that!

GO: Where can people find you?
JT: Twitter: @jestom and IG: @jesthekid