An employee at a wedding venue in Mississippi says they don’t host gay or mixed-race weddings because of their Christian faith. A video of the impassioned speech has gone viral on Facebook.
LaKambria Welch shared the video of a Boone’s Camp Event Hall employee on Saturday.
“FYI, if you’re a mixed-race couple, please do NOT inquire Boones Camp for a wedding venue. They will not accommodate you if you’re ‘gay’ or ‘mixed race’ due to their ‘Christian beliefs,’” Welch explained in her post.
Boone’s Camp is located in Booneville, Mississippi. Welch learned about their refusal to do mixed-race weddings after her brother, who is black, tried to rent the space for his wedding to a white woman.
“The owner took a look at my brother’s fiancée’s page and wrote her back to say they won’t be able to get married there because of her beliefs,” Welch told the Deep South Voice. “He told my mom and she contacted the owner through messenger to only get a ‘seen’ with no reply. That’s when I took it upon myself to go get clarification on her beliefs.”
Welch then drove to the venue to ask them why her brother couldn’t get married there. That’s when she recorded the video, in which the employee explains: “First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race—I mean our Christian belief.”
After Welch questioned which part of the Bible tells her that, the woman replied that she doesn’t want to “argue” her faith.
Businesses in Mississippi are legally allowed to refuse services to LGBT people on the grounds of religious beliefs under the Religious Liberty Accommodations Act of 2016.
However, the wedding venue has received a huge amount of backlash online. Their Facebook page has since been deleted.