On Feb 7 Hypergender Burlesque brings their latest installment of devious and delightful devices to the stage with Arabian Nights: a night of terrorism and bellydancing, at the WOW Café. Through characters ranging from Aladdin to Osama Bin Laden, the show explores the Western World’s age-old fascination with the much-stereotyped Middle East.
Making its way to NYC this month is the OutLaugh Festival, which joins forces with Homo Comicus at the Gotham Comedy Club on Mar 4. The show is hosted by none other than the fabulous Hedda Lettuce. Expect a hilarious performance by lovely lesbian comic Gloria Bigelow, plus side-splitting antics from some of your favorite “gendertainers.”
And speaking of gendertainers, if you’ve ever wanted to break out of your day-to-day gender and try another on for size, you can join the ladies at the New York School of Burlesque for their latest class, BoyGirlBoyGirl, which will take you deep inside your inner genderbender. Classes meet Wednesdays starting Feb 18 and culminate in “The All-Boy Girl Revue,” a final performance on Mar 27 at the Slipper Room. Also check out the girls on Valentine’s Day at the Patricia Field party with Dirty Dolls Lingerie.