Amy Kasio
Amy Kasio’s beat-driven blend of pop electro-dance tracks was borne in true lo-fi fashion: out of her own bedroom in her hometown of Warren, Ohio. On her debut EP Lick My Key, the keyboardist pairs sexually charged lyrics with melodic electronic romps spun on her four-track recorder.
“I started out really lo-fi, making music on a cheap Casio keyboard and running them through various pedals,” she says. Since starting her musical experimentation five years ago, Kasio became ingrained in the indie/underground sphere of musicians, and began handing out copies of her self-produced CD at local shows. When she is not exploring new sonic terrain, Kasio further enhances her live act by using previously recorded backing tracks, projector screens and blow-up toys to provide fans with a fun and provocative performance.
A self-identified “queer feminist,” Kasio willingly addresses sexuality in songs as a means of connecting with her audiences and fellow musicians. “It creates a sense of community with the same ideas and views. That’s comforting when you live in an area where there’s not so much of that.”
Kasio’s fervent “do it yourself” ethos resulted in the creation of her online zine called How to Make Music In Your Bedroom, detailing readers on how to use basic tapes in order to create music cheaply.
Look out for her second full length CD on Hit Gloss Productions to be out by fall 2008. Check for further updates. –PC