Captivating Couples 2011

They met online, in grad school and even at an adoption center. Their love stories quell the naysayers and show us all that it can happen. Quit mooning over your exes and be inspired!

(And they’re in no particular order ‘cause we’re captivated by them all!)

Aubrey & Mari

New York, NY

Mari, 30, HIV/AIDS case manager and activist

Aubrey, 30, combat medic for military police unit in Army National Guard

Although working for and frequenting the same parties, Aubrey and Mari didn’t officially meet until Gay Pride 2008. Aubrey was driving the float for *Snapshot*, and almost ran Mari over. They have been in love ever since. Currently, Aubrey and Mari are raising their two beautiful daughters, Autumn and Zoecora, and have a goal to marry in every state that it is allowed (they currently have two wedding anniversaries). Despite their morbid senses of humor, they’re inseparable. Their secrets to a successful relationship? Never go to bed angry, agree to disagree, and when in heated arguments, say something really silly and ridiculous to make the other laugh.

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