Women At The Helm 2010

These dynamos lead some of America’s most influential nonprofit organizations—they are fighting the good fight and their work enriches our lives in countless ways.

Kara Suffredini
Executive Director, MassEquality

Kara Suffredini boasts an impressive resume in the LGBT equality movement. Recently named one of the best LGBT attorneys under 40 by the National LGBT Bar Association, Suffredini previously served as the State Legislative Director at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and launched the Department of Public Policy and Community Engagement at Family Equality Council. “MassEquality developed tremendous grassroots and political power spearheading the successful campaign to protect marriage equality in Massachusetts,” Suffredini explains. “It’s an honor to be able to lead it now through its transition from a single issue organization to one that advances full equality for LGBT people in schools, in marriage and family life, at work and in retirement. Few people have the ability to meet the individuals and families they serve as part of their jobs, and see their lives transformed by their work. That is the privilege, reward and point of this work. It’s what keeps me going.”

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