100 Women We Love 2007

We present to you this year’s selection of 100 out women who have made an impact on the community. Meet the class of 2007.

Suze Orman
Millionaire financial adviser and published author Orman spends up to $500,000 a year taking private jets. That’s several times more than most Americans earn in a year, and a long way from her first $3.50/hour job clearing trees off the road in Berkeley, California. Orman’s latest book, Women & Money, shows how she has made a living teaching other people how to make a living. Her approachable “mother-knows-best” style on her weekly CNBC show has reached millions of 30-somethings caught in a downward debt spiral. The 55-year-old Orman knows better than anyone that marriage makes good financial sense, but can’t marry her partner, Kathy Travis, or shield her family from financial harm. “It’s killing me that upon my death, KT is going to lose 50 percent of everything I have to estate taxes,” Orman told The New York Times. “Or vice versa.” –MW

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