100 Women We Love 2007

We present to you this year’s selection of 100 out women who have made an impact on the community. Meet the class of 2007.

Sarah Kess
Eighteen-year-old Kess has been living out loud since eighth grade. After graduating a semester early from Farmington High, the Connecticut teen won a Live Out Loud scholarship and plans to study photography at the Massachusetts College of Art this fall. Always strong-willed, Kess decided to tell friends she liked girls before her 14th birthday. She made a name for herself by starting the school’s first Gay-Straight Alliance despite “kids writing ‘fag’ on our lockers,” and anchored a school news program with segments featuring events in the gay community. By the end of high school, the daughter of a college professor and a high school teacher says, “I was just Sarah: this fun awesome girl who just happens to be gay. It was not like ‘oh that’s the gay girl’ anymore.” –MW

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