7 Black Queer Couples Share Their Best Relationship Advice

Black queer love will save the world, but how do you make it stay?

Black queer love is utterly beautiful. As one of the most marginalized communities in the U.S., Black queer people’s relationships are about more than just romance. Love is essential to our survival, and therefore, it can also be revolutionary. It has the power to heal — to transform. I personally believe that Black queer love will save the world.

There are so few depictions of Black lesbian couples in the media, let alone happy, functional ones. Lesbian and queer representation tends to skew white, while Black representation tends to skew cisheterosexual. When we so rarely see stories about us in loving relationships, it can be easy to forget or lose faith or to never even imagine a love-filled future for ourselves in the first place.

That’s why visibility is so important. There’s nothing quite like that momen