A former lawyer, current diva and lifelong lover of breasts, Jincey Lumpkin, Esq. is the founder and Chief Sexy Officer of Juicy Pink Box, a production studio specializing in glamorous lesbian porn for lesbians. “I always loved sex scenes in movies. Those sex scenes turned me on much more than porn, but movie sex doesn’t ‘go all the way,’” Lumpkin notes. “I wanted to make porn that was as glamorous and cinematic as the iconic movies I love.” With the ambitious goal of elevating lesbian porn from male-oriented cliche and helping women discover and realize their sexual fantasies, Lumpkin’s films–like Therapy, an erotic exploration of psychological revelation–appeal to women of all preferences. “A lot of my customer base is straight women, and I love that, because Juicy Pink Box is exposing them to real lesbian sex and real lesbians,” Lumpkin says. “If I can help a woman to feel more comfortable exploring her sexuality, then I’m happy!” –KL