Our Year in Review – April ‘11-‘12

A kiss is still a kiss—but what a kiss it was! When a female naval officer smooched her fiancee during a military homecoming ritual, it indelibly marked the true and final end to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The victories of the past year seemed to come fast and furious: New York finally legalizing same-sex marriage along with Maryland and Washington State; Chaz Bono busting a move as Dancing with the Stars’ first transgender contestant; the snowballing Occupy Wall Street movement demanding justice for the hardworking 99 percent. Even great tragedy, and the still-raw memories of America’s worst terrorist attack, failed to slow the rekindling of our optimism. (And if you want more proof, see GO’s landmark Tenth Anniversary issue this September!)


The effects of global climate change on our local weather continued, with a string of odd—and some downright dangerous—episodes. On July 22, the temperature in NYC shot to 104 degrees, beating that day’s record of 101 set in 1957. Then, in a single week in late August, an earthquake in northern Virginia sent tremors all the way up to Maine; and Hurricane Irene, a category 1 storm when it landed on the east coast, tore up train tracks and caused severe flooding throughout New England. A wet, slushy blizzard coated the city on October 29—and that was the only snow many urbanites saw all winter. By March, local meteorologists called 2011-2012 the second-warmest winter on record.

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