Jennie indicated that O’Donnell’s past anti-gay statements—including one that called homosexuality “an identity disorder”—have not deterred her from aiding her sister’s quest for the governor’s seat.
“Blood is thicker than politics,” Jennie told The Times.
In addition to her “identity disorder” comment, O’Donnell fumed during a 2000 appearance on Fox News’ Hannity and Colmes that, "homosexuals’ special rights groups can get away with so much more than nobody else can!" When Alan Colmes asked her to clarify, she ranted, "They’re getting away with nudity! […] They’re getting away with lasciviousness! […] They’re getting away with perversion!"
O’Donnell also made unsubstantiated allegations that Rep. Mike Castle, her opponent in the Del. primary, was gay and conducting an adulterous affair with a man. O’Donnell went on to defeat Rep. Castle in an upset victory.