Women At The Helm 2010

These dynamos lead some of America’s most influential nonprofit organizations—they are fighting the good fight and their work enriches our lives in countless ways.

Lee Swislow
Executive Director, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders

After several years of nonprofit management, Lee Swislow (left, with Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders [GLAD] Civil Rights Project Director Mary Bonauto) came to helm this New England legal rights organization dedicated to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, HIV status and gender identity. Previously, she served as vice president of Health Services and executive director for Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center, part of the Justice Resource Institute, where she focused on services for underserved populations. Swislow also draws upon her years of experience as a registered nurse, particularly at the beginning of the AIDS crisis. “By working at GLAD, I have the incredible opportunity to be part of an organization that is making history,” Swislow says. “GLAD is a leader in ending discrimination of LGBT people and people living with HIV/AIDS. It is hard to imagine anything more rewarding than working with a committed, passionate and brilliant group of people involved in changing the world.”

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