America’s Most Captivating Couples 2009, Part II

We rounded up so many gorgeous couples we couldn’t fit them all in one issue. That said, we’re happy to have the cuteness continue.

Suzanne & Ramona

Las Vegas, Nevada

Suzanne, 44, forensic pathology technician
Ramona, 38, police officer

Suzanne and Ramona met while working together in a –that was seven years ago so they must have played their cards right. In their free time they love to ride motorcycles, hike and ride horses. Over the years Suzanne and Ramona have dealt with family sorrows, the challenges of raising three teenagers, and the pressure of changing careers. The secret to keeping their marriage fresh and new is spontaneity, according to Suzanne. “Do what you want, when you want,” she says, “And don’t be afraid to throw a last-second get-together or to go on a weekend getaway. Most importantly, never let a day go by without telling the ones you love how much they mean to you.”

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