100 Women We Love 2007

We present to you this year’s selection of 100 out women who have made an impact on the community. Meet the class of 2007.

Patricia Field
Underground queen and high fashion designer Patricia Field, who first opened her New York boutique in 1966, has gone on to work in mainstream media, notably creating Sarah Jessica Parker’s signature look as Carrie in Sex and the City. “[It] changed the way women dress,” Field told The International Herald Tribune. “I helped to empower women.”? A two-time Emmy Award-winner, Field was the stylist for The Devil Wears Prada, which garnered her an Oscar nomination. “Cheap is really chic,” Field told People, announcing that she would walk the red carpet in a pair of shoes from Payless. Her new shop is located at 302 Bowery, where one can no doubt catch a gaggle of gender blenders, drag queens, and fashionistas parading in and out the door. –JK

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