Lady Gaga surprised fans at Stonewall during a magical Pride Weekend stunt that was kept a secret even from journalists. Gaga appeared at an event that also featured performances from Alicia Keys and appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Clinton, and Andy Cohen. Thousands of pride attendees were gathered at Stonewall’s temporary stage for the Pride Live Stonewall Day Concert, hosted by IHeartRadio, NY Z100, and GLAAD.
Officials had kept Lady Gaga’s appearance under wraps, and the crowd went wild when she appeared. And in usual Gaga fashion, she had a poignant statement to make regarding LGBTQ rights.
“This is a celebration of all of you,” Lady Gaga told the crowd. “Four million people in New York City to celebrate their Pride. I may not to some people, some people, I may not even be considered a part of this community even though I like girls sometimes. I would never degrade the fight you have all endured, the adversity that you have all been through to truly be seen, heard or the struggles that you have been through to love yourself and to seek that love from other people. Honestly, I really, really love you. You are strong. You are so strong. You are so strong. You welcomed me into your community in the most beautiful of ways. My whole life changed because of you.”
She also specifically brought up the trans community, saying, “It is said that those who threw the first brick on that historic night were members of the trans community, and while we have made tremendous progress, we find ourselves also at a time where attacks on the trans community are on an increasing rise each day. I will not tolerate this.”
The event also featured a live performance by Alicia Keys, as well as appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Andy Cohen, Chelsea Clinton, and others.