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Weekly Horoscopes For Queer Women: Fall Equinox FOMO

September 18, 2017

This is the time of the year where we’re defining ourselves socially.

Weekly Horoscope For Queer Women | Monday, September 18

This next week is a special time of the year, with the Sun going into Libra and marking the Fall Equinox. After Friday, the nights will begin to become longer than the days and we start to feel just a little bit more grave and sleepy in the evenings. The sun is no longer out when we get done with our days. We’ll react to this change in different ways, depending on whether your chart. Some of us feel less vulnerable in the darkness and some of us can’t wait to get home in the evenings starting now.

Because this is also Libra Season, take some time to recuperate on the New Moon on Wednesday. Afterwards, you might be dealing with a little FOMO and more social activities than you have time for. This is the time of the year where we’re defining ourselves socially. The word “like” is associated with Libra. Figure out what you like, who you’re alike, and who you like like.

Mercury and Mars opposite Neptune this week continue to ask us to use our analytical powers to create a bigger picture and our daily lives to imagine a greater purpose. In the end, the process of breaking something down and building something up is remarkably similar. Both these processes are important for manifestation.

Woman experiencing Fall Equinox FOMO Photo by iStock

(These horoscopes are more accurate if you look at your rising sign, sun sign, and moon sign! If you don’t know your time of birth, sun and moon signs are fine.)

♈️  Aries  ♈️

Chill out a little, Aries. You’re not used to being laid back but this time of the year, it’s necessary for you. You might have way too many people or situations that ask for your time right now. Relax so that you’re able to navigate them all with grace. Resist the urge to compare yourself to anyone else and get too competitive. You’re best when you’re being yourself.

♉️  Taurus  ♉️

Time some time to decorate your workplace or give yourself a spa day. Make sure your surroundings are as lovely as possible so that you’re able to find your present and relax in it. Find something that smells good and figure out a way to spoil yourself. Do something just because it looks or feels nice this week.

♊️  Gemini  ♊️

Love yourself and love the people around you. “We will love and protect one another,” is an important part of Assata Shakur’s chant. Protect the people that you love and, most importantly, protect yourself. Play with other people this week. Dress up in your finest clothing. Find a partner and go out on the town with them.

♋️  Cancer  ♋️

Spend a lot of time at home. This is the time of the year when you actually need it. Invite people over and create a feeling of comfort around everybody – it’s what you do best. Make sure that your home is pleasant for you and your company. The keyword for you this week is inviting. Invest some time in your own comfort and beautify your sense of belonging.

♌️  Leo  ♌️

Are you originally a flirt and forgot how to do it after a long summer? Well, don’t worry, Leo. This is the time of year that you spend practicing seduction and have so much fun doing so. Flirt with everything. Strangers, loved one, cats…even yourself in the mirror. Make some bad puns and unintended innuendos. You know you love it.

♍️  Virgo  ♍️

Balance out your checkbook and figure out how much you actually have. If your tendency is to overestimate your needs, then plan for a little frugality. If your tendency is to underestimate them, then let yourself spend a little money. Learn when to assume scarcity and abundance so that you can balance both in your life. Try to not let the needs of other dominate your own.

♎️  Libra  ♎️

Re-emerge after spending some time in your shell and find yourself almost new again. Your soft, impressionable, and giddy for new experiences this week. Change your look – fall fashion is your best fashion. Try a new style. Go shopping. Wear something new on your head, like a hat you’ve never worn before. People can tell there’s something different about you.

♏️  Scorpio  ♏️

It’s time to go into your hiding place a little, Scorpio. All this social noise over whelms you and you can’t wait for people to start falling out or fall in love so that you can tell who really matters to you in your life. You may have an instinctual urge to find someone and take them into the hiding place you’re preparing for winter. Seduce, don’t kidnap.

♐️  Sagittarius  ♐️

Let your friendships expand this week. Friends help you relax, so just find some good company and kick it this week. Maybe you’ll find yourself hanging out with people you don’t even know every night, maybe you’ll team up with one close friend and explore together. Whatever the case, let the experience expand your dream a little wider.

♑️  Capricorn  ♑️

You might feel a little daunted by social pressure this week. Find the people who are like you, who you empathize with, to avoid this. If you feel compared to with other people, don’t stress it. Whoever is doing the comparison is the one with a problem. Let yourself be graceful this week and you’ll meet people who are important to you.

♒️  Aquarius  ♒️

Let yourself say “I don’t know” a lot this week. Whatever it is you’re working on, it is much better for it to open a window than to close a door. Don’t start out anything with an assumption. In fact, this is your time of the year to throw out presumptions of both yourself and the world. By doing this, you’ll invite love back into your life.

♓️  Pisces  ♓️

Let go, let go, and let go. Don’t hold onto anything you just don’t have the space for any longer. You’ve got enough generational trauma to deal with without having to worry about the unkind word someone said to you the other day. Whether you’re giving or receiving, you’ll begin to feel more in tune with collective resources. Ask to be spoiled.


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