Do you guys remember when Lindsay Lohan had a high profile, tabloid-heavy ~Sapphic~ moment? With the hot as fuck, Samantha Ronson?
The year was 2008 and at first, the short-haired, fedora-adorned DJ and the long, hair-extension-clad-faux-blonde fallen actress were coy about their tumultuous romance. Photographers constantly snapped pictures of the duo traipsing around Beverly Hills, making out in Hollywood nightclubs, feuding on the city streets. In typical lesbian-style, the couple had a flair for drama and the codependent need to be attached at the hip at all times (I wonder if they u-hauled?).
Michael Lohan, Lindsay’s born-again Christian dad ranted against their relationship, publically. The two fought back on Myspace (#TBT x 2) declaring their shameless love for each other. The two went on a romantic getaway to Cabo together and everything seemed ~heavenly~. Bikinis and exposed abs and cocktails.
Until it took a wildly dramatic dark turn. Lohan was reported to be screaming on the streets, and drinking like she was going to the electric chair. A twitter war broke out where 22-year old Lilo accused Ronson of cheating on her!
“I was right all along. Cheat.” She furiously tweeted (grammar has never been her strong suit, but she can act OK? We all have our strengths, baby). Lindsay later told the press, “Two toxic people cannot be together. End of story. We’re friends now. That’s how it started so I think that’s how it was meant to be.”
Even though their romance was ill-fated and doomed from the jump, it was a very important celesbian moment for me. In 2008 I was also a drunk 22-year old, living in Los Angeles. I bore a striking appearance to Lohan, for both of us had a hankering for bright orange spray tans and ratty weaves and Ugg boots. I also was an aspiring actress and thought Lohan was the coolest.
I even happened to be in love with a female DJ (not Ronson). Lohan’s relationship with Ronson showed me that “WOAH, you can be in a relationship with a girl, and still be a messy Hollywood femme actress!” It was empowering, to say the least.
What did you think of their relationship? What should we do for our next #TBT? Email for suggestions!