Pooches & Pussies of the Year

Ahh, lesbians and their pets… Each month, we present our pick for Precious Pet to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and to make some magnificent mommies very proud. Time and time again, we hear that this column is one of our readers’ favorite parts of GO. Ladies, the pooches and pussies that make us go “Awww!”


AGE: 11 months



BIRTHPLACE: Dumpster, Long Island

RESIDENCE: Holbrook, NY (somewhat better than the dumpster)

OCCUPATION: Gymnast/bird watcher/stunt double

FAVORITE TOY: “My tunnel and any limbs on my mommies that move.”

FAVORITE LEISURE ACTIVITY: “Stretching out, taking over the dog’s bed, eating, taking walks with the dog and my mommies.”

FAVORITE FOOD: “Pretty much anything that fits in my mouth (I eat more than the dog).”

PET PEEVE: “I hate cluttered night stands so I do what ever I can to ‘clean’ them off. I also hate most dogs, they are just such pedestrian creatures”

LEAST FAVORITE PHRASE: “No!” “No, get down!” “No, don’t eat that!” “No, that hurts; I’m bleeding!”

Melissa, 25, is a law student, and Allison, 29, is a child care provider.

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