An ‘L Word’ Chart Of The Women’s World Cup Has Just Surfaced

August 22, 2023

You won't believe who the Shane of the World Cup is.

Ok, nobody freak out, but an L Word style chart (a la Alice Pieszecki) mapping all of the relationships in the international world of women’s soccer (WOSO) has hit the internet, and it’s as juicy as you’d expect.


🏳️‍🌈ITS THE CHART🏳️‍🌈 #thelword #thechart #thelwordchart #matildas #australia #fifawwc #fifawwc2023 #Fifa #wwc #lesbeans #wlw #gay #lgbtqiaplus #lesgooooo #gaypride #visibility #fyp

♬ original sound – a.cunning.stunt

On one hand, it’s a bit of an invasion of privacy. On the other hand, who doesn’t love to indulge in some lesbian drama?

The chart, which features over 100 WLW WOSO players is a shaped in a circle. On the fringe are a collection of couples, like US’s Rebecca Halloway and her girlfriend Ireland’s Lucy Quinn and Italian teammates Sofia Cantore and Cristiana Girelli. However, as you get closer to the center, things get more, shall we say, complicated.

The best part of the chart is you can search for a player to see where they are. Let’s search some favs. We’ll start with Megan Rapinoe:

Wait a second, Megan Rapinoe dated Abby Wambach?! After a quick Google, it seems they dated for a bit and continue to be good friends. Abby and her wife Glennon even had Megan and Sue Bird on their podcast as a “double date”. Love that for them. Let’s do another one. Hmmm, how about Sam Kerr, Australia’s number-one player?

This is a good one. Australia’s Sam Kerr is currently dating US player Kristie Mewis whose ex is England’s Rachel Daly who apparently has a thing for fellow soccer players. That means Kristie Mewis’s current girlfriend and ex-girlfriend faced off in the semi-finals, with England ultimately prevailing. Something else you may notice is Sam Kerr’s ex, American pro player Nikki Stanton, dated Megan Rapinoe’s twin Rachel.

Not pictured on this chart is Sam Kerr’s ex, Caitlin Foord, who plays for Australia. Caitlin’s ex Mackenzie Arnold is Australia’s goalkeeper. They weren’t kidding when they named Australia the gayest team in the World Cup!

As for who is the Shane of the World Cup, the most amount of connections was 5, and it was a four-way tie between England’s Rachel Daly, Australia’s Mackenzie Arnold, Switzerland’s Ana-Maria Crnogorčević, and Australia’s Emily van Egmond.

If you want to play around with the chart, you can find it here. Many of these relationships are rumors, so take what you see with a grain of salt. But it’s fun to know that in between games, these players are still talking, laughing, loving, breathing, etc. just like the rest of us.

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