America’s Most Captivating Couples 2009, Part I

Between new friends and familiar favorites, choosing the most delightful duos of 2009 was no easy task. But our hard work paid off and here we present part 1 of this year’s most captivating couples! Look for more couples in the March issue!

Heather & Jen

New York, New York
Heather, 31, Special Ed Teacher
Jen, 25, Administrator, Email Marketing

“The most important aspect to our relationship is laughter. It feels good, brings you close and helps you get through the worst of times. There are nights where we literally laugh ourselves to sleep!” Heather and Jen met in Provincetown, Massachusettts in 2006. They locked eyes on a crowded dance floor and ABBA’s Dancing Queen did the rest. They love spending time with family and friends, exploring, traveling, reading, being mommies to their two cats and just enjoying life. “It’s important to spend time with friends but to also make sure you have time as a couple,” says Heather. “That’s one of the secrets to staying happy.”

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