America’s Most Captivating Couples 2008

The results are in! After a grueling selection process, we’ve skimmed the sweet cream off this year’s batch of entries and whipped it into GO’s most captivating couples of 2008. Many more couples coming soon!

Teresa & LaQuette

Bronx, New York

Teresa Perry, 24, Accountant

LaQuette Lucas, 30, Events Planner

It was a cold winter night in January, 2007 when Teresa and LaQuette crossed paths at LoverGirl’s long-running Saturday night bash. The party was over by the time they finally met, but they exchanged numbers before leaving. “I took her out for dinner,” says LaQuette, “and that was the beginning of our journey!” These days, LaQuette is busy building an event marketing agency for the LGBT community, while Teresa enjoys being a mom, and plans to open her own clothing boutique. What makes their relationship work? Each lets the other be exactly who she is. “She’s loud at times, and I know how to get under a person’s skin,” LaQuette admits, “but that’s what makes us…us!”

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