100 Women We Love 2015

We are thrilled to present this year’s 100 Women We Love—an incredibly diverse group of out entertainers, athletes, artists, activists, business leaders and elected officials.


“Growing up with a pedophile for the first 26 years of my life, with no help in sight, I realized that if I was to survive/thrive, I needed to help myself,” says Frances Loffredo-Ryan. “Education was my way out. My career as a teacher, administrator, coach, referee and mentor for 31 years with the New York City Board of Education made me realize that empowering others was the greatest gift that I could give anyone. It gave me a sense of purpose and commitment that has guided my life.” Currently, she raises public awareness of the effects of incest through her art and presentations as well as being chairperson of LPSS, Inc., an all-volunteer, not for profit, 501 (c)(3) organization that runs workshops, support groups and other programs for the LGBTQ community of Westchester County and surrounding areas. “Its mission is to foster a sense of community, erase stereotypes about homosexuality and to address the effects of homophobia, discrimination and prejudice,” she says. “As a survivor, educator, activist and artist, I have found my voice, I am empowered, and I continue to reach out to others through Lambda Peer Support Services.” -GH

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