100 Women We Love: Class of 2009

Once again, we celebrate our favorite out and proud women. As difficult as it is to narrow it down to just 100, this year’s eclectic list includes artists, athletes, club promoters, community organizers, entertainers, entrepreneurs, filmmakers, politicians and plaintiffs, who are making a difference in our world and the world at large.

Kate Kendell

Kate Kendell is the Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), a legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of LGBT people through litigation, public policy advocacy and public education. NCLR was lead counsel in the lawsuit which won marriage in California and in the legal challenge that followed Prop 8’s passage, putting Kendell at the forefront of advancing marriage equality in California. Kendell also acts as NCLR’s primary spokesperson and has done hundreds of interviews with major media outlets. “Everyday I get to do work that makes a
difference. It is an incredible privilege to be a part of the LGBT movement, and make no mistake, this is a movement, for full justice, fairness and inclusion for all. I feel so lucky to be a part of this transformative moment in history. Folks will look back a generation or two to this time and say, ‘Wow, it must have been amazing to be a part of that.’ And here we are, how cool is that?” -KD

Remember, these are in no particular order because we love them all!

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