100 WOMEN WE LOVE 2008

Hats off to the 100 Women We Love, class of 2008 (in no particular order, ’cause we love ’em all!).

Kimberly Peirce

In a world where most films focus more on special effects than on political and emotional ones, filmmaker Kim Peirce is a diamond in the rough. From her Oscar- winning Boys Don’t Cry to this year’s Stop-Loss, which brought national attention to the US military’s controversial tour extensions, she continues to confront hard-hitting political issues. “One of the most significant challenges directors face is protecting the emotional journey of the protagonist while also dramatizing the larger scale elements of the story,” says Peirce, who manages this balance with grace and precision. “I love true stories about America, love, loyalty and violence, especially in the context of family,” she adds. As long she’s making them, we’ll be watching. –MF

In no particular order…

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