Happy Friday! Did you try a Unicorn Frappacino? I didn’t but feel free to tell me all about your experience so I can live vicariously.
Today is GLSEN’s Annual Day of Silence, a student-led national event organized in thousands of schools, bringing awareness to the silencing effects of anti-LGBTQ name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. One of their major initiatives this year is to activate the community into writing their governors, urging them to protect trans students.
Caitlyn Jenner will appear on “20/20” tonight where she tells Diane Sawyer her feelings on Trump have changed. From a clip: “Here’s the deal: Yes, I did vote for Trump, but here’s the deal-breaker with the Republican party and the deal-breaker is you mess with my community, you do the wrong thing with my community, you don’t give us equality and a fair shot, I’m coming after you. It comes to all equality issues for the entire LGBT community, okay? What we need is we need federal guidance, just like the previous administration said that it was okay to serve as a trans person in the military. We have front line people, okay, and I’m talking marines, trans guys, marines on the front line fighting for our country. I’m trying to get, especially the Republican party, to make a change.” Hate to say we told you so?
Caitlyn Jenner’s “Deal Breaker” with the Republican party. The @ABC exclusive with @Caitlyn_Jenner airs 10/9c Friday https://t.co/DL4XKcEPeR pic.twitter.com/GhGIvnndhY
— 20/20 (@ABC2020) April 20, 2017
Related: Cosmo found three trans women who are proud Conservatives (but they still don’t seem to like Trump much).
Also related: The New York Times Editorial Board penned a piece on the LGBT Trump Fallacy, which details just how many things he’s done to show his lack of support of the community in his short time in office. For anyone who is still unsure, he is not a friend of ours.
While we’re on that Trump tip, Hillary Clinton spoke out against his anti-LGBTQ initiatives at The Center Dinner in New York last night. Quote: “When this administration rescinded protections for transgender students, my heart broke. When I learned about the proposed cuts in funding for HIV and AIDS research, I thought about all of our efforts to try and achieve an AIDS-free generation. … Gay rights are human rights.” And that includes Chechnya.
The best thing you will read all week is from bisexual writer Ijeoma Oluo, and it’s her illuminating interview with Rachel Dolezal (who, for the record, also identifies as bi). But the focus is, of course, on Dolezal’s identity as a black woman when she is, in fact, white, and her inane ideas on why this is at all acceptable.
London’s new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick is a lesbian. (Sorry, ladies, she’s taken!) She officially came out in an interview with the Evening Standard published this week, where she also speaks about wanting to have more women and diversity in the force. How many dick jokes do you think she’s had to endure her entire life? Just curious.
Also in the UK, the National Union of Teachers is proposing LGBTQ positive curriculum in schools, “irrespective of their religious background.” Said the General Secretary of NUT: “This is the 21st century. Children and young people, unlike previous generations, get so much information from the internet. Some of it will be useful; a lot of it will be misinformed. Surely it is not beyond the wit of Government to understand and accept the importance of giving our children access to well-balanced, age-appropriate information on matters of SRE, including sexuality. The alternative is many pupils being isolated, bullied or misinformed and, for many, there is an impact on health and wellbeing that can last well beyond school years.” Makes sense to me!
Paris Police Officer Xavier Jugelé was killed by a gunman in Champs-Élysées,this week, and he was a staunch supporter of LGBTQ and refugee rights. Rest in Power, Xavier.
Here’s a sexy track for your weekend: MØ‘s “Nights With You” has a bumping bass beat and lyrics like “Girl, you’re gorgeous / You know you might not always feel like it but you are/ I’ll take you out tonight, throw away your phone/ Don’t care about your boyfriend waking up alone.” It’s like a more explicit version of “Cool for the Summer” and I’m here for it.
Ruby Rose shares her best and worst looks, and she loves the bowl cut that everyone else hated. She pulled it off, though. She can pull anything off, clearly!
At Elle, a lesbian-identified writer tells the story of her partner transitioning to male, and how it affected the way she saw herself: “But then I started asking instead of telling myself how to feel. What would happen if you stopped checking boxes? What would happen if you stopped convincing yourself that there was a right and wrong way? More therapy, more wine, and the answers became quite clear. Love has no limitations. When I began to love with my heart, not with my head, I let go of all the labels.”
Have the best weekend, guys & dolls.