Good morning/afternoon/evening!
Teen lesbian and bisexual girls are more likely to smoke. Lesbians, specifically, are twice as likely as their hetero counterparts to use tobacco products.
“When a lesbian gets involved with a straight girl, it never ends well.” That and more on this new reality series about the infamous The Abbey.
LGBTQ rights activists are strong as hell and don’t see the recent Title VII loss as “the end of the road.”
A lesbian from Nigeria is seeking asylum because, among other things, her husband will kill her if she’s forced to return home.
NY Mag’s The Cut went to Babetown and they liked it.
Sweden will now offer compensation to trans people who undergo mandatory sterilization in order to have their sex legally reassigned.
Sexual fluidity is still being treated as a hot new trend.
This week’s episode of Women’s Magazine is a must-listen, with the topic of disappearing lesbian culture and women’s spaces.
A straight couple in Australia is not pleased that a lesbian couple was found legally able to adopt their biological child.
Columbus City Council just banned ex-gay therapy for minors.
The National LGBTQ Task Force, NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists have launched a Spanish-language stylebook for journalists reporting on LGBTQs.
Welp, Rachel Dolezal identifies as bisexual.
Alec Baldwin had some really nice things to say about working with Kate McKinnon.
Candis Cayne looks gorgeous and otherworldly as the fairy queen on SyFy’s “The Magicians.”
Ruby Rose is the new face of Nike and the brand has never looked so good.
And now I need to go work out.