No matter what your sign, November 2019 promises to breathe new energy into your life one way or another. We kick off the month with Venus in Sagittarius, which sets the tone for the rest of the month. Expect some excitement, even as the days get shorter here in the Northern Hemisphere.
Hard conversations about your relationships may come up this month. Take it all in stride, and be as honest as you can be. It’s time to come face-to-face with what’s not working — and what better time to do it than in the thick of Scorpio season?
Mercury is Retrograde until November 20th, so expect to hear from exes and deal with some technology snafus. This is a great time to reflect, rewind and recharge. But don’t sign any contracts during this time, if you can help it!
The Full Moon in Taurus will shed light on your dreams and everything you’ve been doing to bring them to reality. If you’ve been wishing and praying but not doing much else, it’s time to kick yourself in your queer butt to get a move on it!
The sun makes its entrance into Sagittarius on the 22nd, and a few days afterward, you’ll be offered a fresh start/new beginning/opportunity to clean your slate and start anew. What are you wishing for, lovers? Dare to dream big — and take action to chase those dreams.
You’re about to see major change on all fronts, Aries, from your career to your relationships to your inner world. Are you ready? Now is the time to take decisive action. Be persistent, have courage, and don’t give up until you get exactly what (or who) you want. These changes may come with a little bit of drama, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. With these changes comes deep clarity in regard to your values and the life you want to live.
With Mercury retrograde affecting your relationships, you can expect some toxic exes to resurface, and you may find yourself dealing with misunderstandings in your closest relationships. But it’s nothing you can’t handle, Taurus. The truth is your friend and your power — share it, live it. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and don’t let anyone get you down. You’ll need the support of the folks who have your back no matter what. Lean on them this month, and ask them to nurture you the way you’re always doing for others. You deserve it.
Libra season was good to you, which will help you get November off to the right start — particularly in the romance department. On the 24th of this month, you can expect a sweet treat and surprise. You may decide to make it official with the woman you’ve been dating, or be swept off your feet and go on a romantic getaway. Bask in the joy and love, Gemini! And by the way — it’s time to let go of whatever has been holding you back and tying you down. Live by this motto this month: forgive and forget.
A little sweetness will be infused into each of your days this month, Cancer. And who among us couldn’t use a little extra sweetness? This is a direct result of all of the love and energy you regularly pour into others, and the ways in which you’ve stepped outside of your comfort zone lately. Everything makes a difference and will shape the kind of month you have now. That being said, loving others is only half of the story. The full moon this month will shed light on your soul tribe and social circle. Do the people you surround yourself with allow you to be the true you? It’s time for a little clean-up in the friend department. Let go of anyone who doesn’t honor you for the lesbian goddess you are.
Get ready to hang on tight, Leo. Venus is about to shake up your romantic life and bring an extra dose of passion. Instead of denying the parts of yourself that you keep tucked away, it’s time to let them free! Take some much-needed alone time and let your freak flag fly. Some difficult emotional themes are also going to pop up throughout this month. Face them head-on, and try to cheer up — things will start to take shape and make sense in the coming months.
Harmony is coming your way, Virgo, in the domestic arts. You can expect your house to stay clean for longer than one day after you’ve scrubbed it! Kidding. Mostly. But your home life will feel a little lighter and easier than usual. There are some difficult conversations to tackle, and now would be a good time to do it. Don’t wait — right now, the stars are aligned in your favor. At work, make sure you’re crossing all of your T’s and dotting all of your I’s. Little slip-ups may be the norm until Mercury stations direct later in the month. Your visions are starting to become a reality, yes? Open your eyes and see…
Communications are going to be top of mind for you, Libra. Be careful about what you say and who you say it to — the things you verbalize will be repeated, and you don’t want them to come back to bite you in the a**! Are you comfortable with where you’re currently at in life? This month’s full moon is going to affect your shared resources and intimate relationships. There are some taboo topics that need to be addressed this month, especially in relation to your friendships. Be honest but diplomatic in all of your conversations.
Set your intentions and really follow through with them this month, Scorpio. This is a powerful time for you to manifest what you’ve been longing for for quite some time. But before the fun part begins, you’ve gotta deal with Mercury retrograde in your sign. What kind of conversations have been coming up? Are you dealing with things head-on or running away from them? It’s time to dig deep and get honest with both yourself and others. This month’s full moon is going to activate your relationships and shine a light on anything you’re doing that no longer serves you.
If you need closure on something, this is your month for it, Sag. You could be feeling a bit under the weather for the first half of the month, so let yourself relax and lay low. I promise your FOMO isn’t a permanent state of being. Take advantage of this month to forgive, forget, and move on. If you’ve got things in your life that are feeling particularly burdensome, this is the time to let go of what doesn’t work anymore. This month’s full moon will also bring attention to your health. Remember that while adventure is awesome, you can’t drink from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.
Are you satisfied with your friendships, Capricorn? If not, it’s time to clean house. Review, reflect and reassess your platonic relationships and your sense of belonging in this world. This is a great time to hash things out with your crew and make sure you’re all happy with your relationship dynamics.
Open your guarded heart this month and let love in. You may find yourself feeling particularly romantic, so let loose a little and take someone out on a romantic date. You won’t regret it!
“Ambition” is the word of the month for you, Aquarius. Where’s your career going? Take some time to review and reflect on your long-term work goals, or even add some to your list. If you’d like to move up the ladder but don’t know how, have some frank conversations with your seniors at work. You may be pleasantly surprised by what they say. Charming new friends and friends with benefits are coming your way this month, too. Prepare yourself by acting a little less aloof than normal, eh?
Listen, Pisces. We all know it’s far too easy for you to travel down the rainbow paths of your imagination and daydream about the life you want to live on another planet (or this one!). But before you do that, take a step back and look at the bigger picture of your current reality. You have to find some solid ground and take real action in order to pursue your dreams. Being practical is key this month. You may find yourself a bit chattier than usual this month, too. Get your ducks in a row and use this as a spell: manifest the life you want by saying your desires out loud to anyone who will listen.