100 Women We Love 2016

Here’s to this year's class of the women who inspire us, give us hope, make us laugh and make us want to get up and dance. 


A self-described “fun-loving and feisty LGBTQ advocate and community educator,” Meg Ten Eyck is also a recurring GO contributor with her advice column, Dope Sex, and a successful blogger. Her blog Dopesontheroad.com is among the most popular lesbian travel and culture blogs on the internet. Some of her recent posts include hotel reviews, city Pride guides and helpful hair-styling travel hacks. Connecting with LGBTQ people around the world, she shares her experience and insight with readers on everything from travel destinations/itineraries to fitness, fashion, and even social justice issues. “I never intended to be a blogger,” Ten Eyck says. “I started my blog as a way for me to share my journey with my friends and family when I moved to South Korea. When I started getting emails from people with questions, I realized there was limited information available for lesbians and queers looking to travel outside of western coun-tries. I hope that even in a small way, I’m able to help queer people find the information they need to travel safely and build community in their cities of choice.” –SLO

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