Weekly Horoscopes For Queer Women: Repressed Feels

What does inner strength actually mean?

Weekly Horoscopes For Queer Women: Repressed Feels | January 22

Mars enters Sagittarius! During its time in Scorpio, it has been excavating a lot of what is usually repressed. Things which used to be very common have now become extremely strange and possibly violent. We’re noticing all the little things, all the normalized ways we’re assumed was just reality, and we’ve realized that it is sexual and racial violence. When Mars is in Sag, we’re giving into our digging motion, flopping on our backs, and looking up at the horizon. Because we’re so focusing on the limitations of our vision, we might feel momentarily paralyzed. Then, we start to imagine all sorts of possibilities.

A Mercury that hangs out next to Pluto buzzes around and annoys Pluto. Pluto is what is inevitably moving underneath it all. Mercury is the here and now. Because this is the Pluto return for the US, watch for something happening on the news.

The moon phase for this week is the First Quarter moon with Sun in Aquarius. We’re beginning an emotional phase for whatever sector of life Aquarius rules this week, which is really a project about the ego. This week, see if your ego leaves enough room for your very real values in life or if your sense of self has become too fragile to carry any actual weight. This week, we’ll all be learning about what strength actually means and, while we’re at it, we’ll find ourselves extremely humbled.

(These horoscopes are more accurate if you look at your rising sign, sun sign, and moon sign! If you don’t know your time of birth, sun and moon signs are fine.)

♈  Aries ♈

How do you imagine the future and what does that have to do with the people you surround yourself with? How are you seeing the people in your life? If you think that you’re better in any way than the people around you, Aries, then you’re not going to get very much out of your friends. Instead, focus on all the ways they inspire you and you’ll fall in love with them all over again.

♉  Taurus ♉

Is there something about the person you tend to describe yourself as that holds you back from your ambitions? Or is there something about your ambitions that makes it impossible to be yourself? This is the week to reconcile these two parts of your life. It will force you to make some kind of change, especially if aloofness or indifference is at play.

♊  Gemini ♊

Whoa, you’re extremely angry at that thing you call society right now, Gemini, and you have every right to be. Society, however, is also a projection of yourself. Make this anger worthwhile and enlivening by finding out which parts of yourself you are painting the image you have of society with and doing some repainting. It’s time to do so.

♋  Cancer ♋

You might feel like there’s something off about your attitude towards need this week. It’s time to make changes in that front. Do you feel needed when people use and dispose of you? Or do you show intimacy by taking others for granted? Redesign intimacy so that it is your own and it will make you feel like your own individual again.

♌  Leo ♌

You’re truly alive with something right now, Leo, whether that’s anger or passion. Whatever it is, you’re showing it to everyone you know and the world. The thing you’re hoping for? Is individuality in your relationships. Nurture and support go a long way towards that end, not throwing people away because you don’t feel like they’re worthy enough.

♍  Virgo ♍

It’s an active time at work for you and this week is all about making sure your longer perspectives and vision is aligned with your daily struggle. A bird’s eye view and a bug’s eye view of the world is really the same, because birds can see incredible detail. You want to put your sense of the mighty and great into the details and this will be incredibly humbling.

♎  Libra ♎

You’ve got love on your mind, platonic love or romantic love or just love. You want relationships that matter and make you feel something. Sometimes, you feel that those two things are not compatible. Use this week of feeling to love yourself and you’ll find that you don’t have to choose. The worst thing to do is to desire a type of love that is better than other types of love.

♏  Scorpio ♏

It’s a great time to just hang at home this week. Invite a friend over and put on a TV show. You want to feel grounded again and are digging your roots in deep. Having someone over gives you some company as you do this. Don’t feel too pressured to do anything bananas, just give yourself your needed time to relax. This is the right time to do it.

♐  Sagittarius ♐

Are you a little angry this week? This week is all about the words that you use and how you use them. No matter how much or little you talk, the crucial issue is that everyone can see your ego through your words except yourself. This is why you have to nurture and take care of yourself – to build a strong and understandable sense of you.

♑  Capricorn ♑

Take a look at the objects you have and whether they mean anything to you. If you’re spending too much money on things that make you feel better about yourself, it’s because it’s been too long since you’ve really appraised what you have. Value and love the weight you carry and make sure it is just the right amount to nurture and challenge you.

♒  Aquarius ♒

Something about your home changes and this change makes you change the person you thought you were. The point of this change? It’s to break any fragility in your ego so that you’re able to approach things sensibly, by building them up instead of breaking them down. This change will make you more aware of what you want to build back up.

♓  Pisces ♓

There might be some crucial communication this week. Take a close look at how you choose to communicate and what words you choose. The issue you’re tackling this week is the many ways you don’t acknowledge your ego and, because of this, cannot acknowledge your own insecurities as well. Use your fantasies and dreams to explore these repressed parts of yourself.

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