Oh, babes, it’s Monday, isn’t it? And I don’t know about you guys, but I had a long weekend of answering bizarre questions about my sex life to a group of straight people. It’s like the moment the booze starts flowing, the heteros are teeming with gay sex questions.
“Wait, Zara DO YOU wear a strap-on? Or does your girlfriend just wear the strap-on?”
“How do you define SEX?”
“Are you going to SCREW a guy when you get pregnant, wouldn’t that just be EASIER?”
I’m exhausted from fielding such personal questions. So I decided to post this video of the day, a video I made last year with one of my partner-in-writing-crime Sierra Jiminez (starring one of my favorite power babes, Charlotte “CB” Glasser). Basically, it’s an Elite Daily video of a bunch of us queers gabbing about the wildly inappropriate questions we get asked on a daily basis. Enjoy!