On September 21, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) announced that it had become the first organization dealing with LGBT issues to join America’s Promise Alliance, the nation’s largest partnership of organizations devoted to improving the lives of American youth.
America’s Promise Alliance is comprised of more than 300 national partner organizations, among them the American Academy of Pediatrics, March of Dimes, National PTA, Salvation Army and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Together, they work to ensure that young people graduate from high school with the skills and support they need to become successful in college and, later on, in a career.
“Safe places and an effective education are among America’s Promise Alliance’s founding principles. We are thrilled to welcome GLSEN as an Alliance Partner, and applaud its efforts to provide a safe learning environment for all students,” Marguerite Kondracke, President and CEO of America’s Promise Alliance, said in a press statement.
Through the Dropout Prevention Initiative, America’s Promise Alliance advocates to make children "five promises: caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, an effective education and opportunities to help others."
“We are honored to join the Alliance and look forward to working with the organization and its partners to ensure that that all youth are valued and respected, and graduate from high school prepared for success,” Eliza Byard, GLSEN’s Executive Director, said in a press release.
GLSEN is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students.