Crazy 8: Our Year in Review

This year has been a whirlwind. As we celebrate yet another milestone, we invite you to reflect with us upon the last 364 plus days’ high moments, low moments, and everything in between. In no particular order, the events that helped shape our year…

Prop 8

California’s Proposition 8 went on trial in a San Fran-based U.S. District Court in a case that will determine the constitutionality of the referendum that put an end to a short-lived stretch of marriage equality in the Golden State. Due to the volatile subject matter, the impact it will have on the LGBT community and its all-star counsel, all eyes were on Perry v. Schwarzenegger — even though the U.S. Supreme Court blocked public broadcast of the trial. District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker plans to release his ruling mid-June, just before Pride. Coincidence? We hope not.

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