Workin’ It 2010

45 of 2010’s Red Hot Entrepreneurs

In this job market, we all need a career consultant who’s willing to go the extra mile for us. “Friends would ask me to help with their resumes, cover letters, interviewing skills, then it extended to partners, brothers and sisters, then it became colleagues of colleagues,” says Kim Bisset, founder and president of Boston-based Radiate Career Consulting. “Everyone would take me to dinner as a thank-you. I was gaining weight and not having time for the gym, so I made a Web site and started my own business. Now, I even have time to make it to the gym!” In addition to the variety of career coaching services she offers through Radiate, Bisset also hosts the cable show Employment for All in collaboration with Boston University’s Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts on Boston Neighbor- hood Network. Her success as an out lesbian entrepreneur, Bisset says, “has made me so much more aware of the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive workforce for everyone.”

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