Lesbian Polygamist Reportedly On the Run in Nigeria

A Nigerian woman has gone into hiding after holding a sumptuous public wedding to other women, according to pinknews.co.uk.

A Nigerian woman has gone into hiding after holding a sumptuous public wedding to other women, according to pinknews.co.uk. Aunty Maiduguri, 45, reportedly married four women at a ceremony in the city of Kano.

The multiple marriage was witnessed by 2,000 guests and was followed by two days of feasting. Neighbors, possibly irritated by the noisy revelry, informed local authorities.

Since 2000, Islamic law has been enforced in Kano, a city of nearly four million people in northern Nigeira. Homosexuality is illegal throughout Nigeria.

Earlier this year, the federal government introduced legislation, the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, that, if passed, would have created criminal penalties for engaging in same-sex marriages or relationships and for advocating for the rights of LGBT people. However, the bill failed to become law and recent elections have installed a new federal Parliament. It is unclear whether the anti-gay legislation will be revived.

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