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LA’s New Lesbian Bars For All


Hollywood nights.

When the Oxwood Inn closed its doors in 2017 after 45 years in business, Los Angeles was left without a single permanent lesbian bar. Sure, there were plenty of pop-ups and other queer bars, but the city had no dedicated fixtures for queer women. That changed this year, with the arrival of two lesbian bars: Honey’s at Star Love and The Ruby Fruit.

Here’s a taste of what each spot has to offer.

Honey’s at Star Love

Opened by Mo Faulk, Kate Greenberg, and Charlotte Gordon this past February, Honey’s at Star Love is a lesbian lounge that celebrates and serves the queer community. In addition to a stellar drink menu, Honey’s boasts a performance venue which showcases live music, stand-up comedy, karaoke nights, and burlesque shows. It would be enough for Honey’s at Star Love to just be a really good bar, which it is. The space, itself, is meticulously designed in an eclectic, funky, and colorful style, while the menu offers an assortment of hand-crafted cocktails and mocktails (for the growing number of women who party but don’t drink). However, to be in such a space and know that it’s by and for the queer community? Now that’s truly a gift. @honeys.la)

The Ruby Fruit

Remember when Moses led the Jewish people to freedom, but they had to wander around the desert for 40 years before reaching the promised land? That’s how it felt for the six whole years that LA was without a dedicated brick and mortar lesbian bar. Then, in February, 2023 came The Ruby Fruit. Owners Mara Herbkersman and Emily Bielagus describe it as “a strip mall wine bar for the sapphically inclined,” which is one of those rare sentences that gets better with every progressing word. As a lesbian bar, The Ruby Fruit works hard to be loudly and proudly inviting for all members of the lesbian community, especially those who are often the most marginalized (including trans and nonbinary people). Between the welcoming environment, the people, and the food (including brunch, lunch, and dinner), The Ruby Fruit is exactly the sort of promised land that the sapphically-inclined are looking for. @Therubyfruit