GO’s Best of Lesbian/Bi/Queer Women Pop Culture 2016

2016 has been ripe with bad news, hard losses and tragic events, right up until the very end. But there was a lot to celebrate for queer women as well that should not go unmentioned as we close another year. This is GO’s list of the best in Lesbian/Bi Pop Culture.


Kate McKinnon. “Saturday Night Live”‘s best player is a lesbian, and that has given her a lot to work with. From acing her impressions as Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, Jane Lynch, Suze Orman and Jodie Foster to her cat lady sketch that often involves celebrity women hosting the show to everyone’s favorite cop comedy duo Dyke and Fats, Kate is queering NBC’s legendary late-night comedy show. Her Hillary Clinton impression only upped her status as a household name, and her role in Ghostbusters solidified that she is also a movie star—an out lesbian who can bring in the bucks at the box office.

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