America’s Most Captivating Couples 2008

The results are in! After a grueling selection process, we’ve skimmed the sweet cream off this year’s batch of entries and whipped it into GO’s most captivating couples of 2008. Many more couples coming soon!

Heather and Caroline

Los Angeles, California

Heather Matarazzo, 25, Actress

Caroline Murphy, 27, Singer/Songwriter, Musical Theater Writer

Last year at the GO nightlife awards in New York City, Heather thought she recognized Caroline. If she did, it was from a dream, because in fact the two had never met before. Caroline chalked it up to fate; she had just been recognized by her future wife. Of course, Caroline did recognize Heather, who made her screen debut in Welcome to the Dollhouse, and most recently appeared last season on The L Word. In their free time, Caroline plays soccer, while Heather likes to help people. How they make it work: “Baths. Also, Caroline is very patient,” says Heather. “Oh, and I, for some reason, love doing the laundry, which lends itself to a stable living environment. Most importantly, we have no secrets. Love isn’t just how we feel. It’s the setting for everything we do.”

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