Joan Baez has one of folk music’s most beautiful voices, and she’s been delighting fans with it for over half a century now. The Indigo Girls share Baez’s commitment to political causes and a deep love of folk. The lesbian duo have been singing for more than 25 years. On June 17th these two amazing acts come together in Central Park for one stunning night benefitting Summerstage. Dare we hope for a duet?
Get your beauty sleep in now, kids, because you will probably need it during the madness that is Pride Week. It all begins with the Rally on June 28 at Tribeca’s Pier 26. On June 29, you have your choice of either an eight-hour long VIP Rooftop Party at Hudson Terrace or women’s dance Rapture on the River, also at Pier 26. Finally, it wraps up with four huge events on June 30: The Pride March, Pridefest, the famous Dance on the Pier at Pier 26, and Pride [Poolside], a big bash at the Hotel Americano. Whew!