Pride Basketball League New York City (PBLNYC) provides a safe and welcoming environment free from harassment and discrimination for members and friends of the LGBTQ+ community to play basketball and build camaraderie.
We are New York’s first official gay basketball league. Since our founding in 2006 (men’s+ division) and 2008 (women’s+ division), we’ve maintained and grown an athletic environment free of discrimination for members and friends of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ (LGBTQ+) community.
The League strives to promote positive values in our community and continues to fight to eliminate any negative stereotypes associated with LGBTQ+ athletics.
Most importantly the league is a fun way to meet great members in the community. We have three divisions — advanced (A), intermediate (B), and recreational (C). There’s a place for every player in our league!