The Very Best of NYC Art

Childish Things, Jim Henson’s Fantastic World
Tabla Rasa Gallery presents Childish Things, a group exhibition of images of objects/games/activities associated with childhood on display now through Dec 10. The exhibition showcases images transformed by the viewpoint of artists, revealing layers of obsession, complexity, metaphor and meaning. The title comes from a Biblical line in Corinthians: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” The exhibition speaks to the idea that artists often do not put away childish things. Fledgling artists may display uncanny wisdom, and mature artists remain fresh, playful and experimental.
The Museum of Moving Image invites you to explore the magical world of Jim Henson in its exhibit Jim Henson’s Fantastic World showing now through Jan 16. The exhibit features over 120 artifacts, including drawings, storyboards, and props, all of which illustrate Henson’s boundless creativity and innumerable accomplishments throughout his career in film, television, puppetry and features. Fifteen iconic puppets are on view including Miss Piggy, Kermit the Frog, Rowlf, and Bert and Ernie, all characters from Henson’s best-known projects: The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie and its sequels, Fraggle Rock, and Sesame Street.