Siena Levin is a 7-year-old Girl Scout who just sold out all of her inventory, with the help of the LA queer community. Levin is from Glendale CA and had been looking for a location with high traffic to sell as many Girl Scout cookies as possible. She chose West Hollywood, the iconically queer LA neighborhood, and the community was quick to support her.
Earlier this month, Levin, her mom, her sister, and her aunt, sold out all of their inventory, twice in West Hollywood. Levin told Yahoo Life that the local queer community are “really good tippers.”
“It was so fun,” she continued. “We were just walking and, like, they’d stop, When they see one person buying, they’d all crowd in. One of the guys who bought cookies, he was really funny because he said, ‘You’re gonna make me fat!'”
The Levin family trekked up and down Santa Monica Blvd, passing all the major queer hot spots, drag queens and go-go boys usually outside greeting patrons.
“We weren’t sure how people were going to respond at first,” Levin’s mom told Yahoo Life, but it couldn’t have turned out better: local gays reached over patio railing to buy cookies from Levin, and shouted to to the others patrons to help her with sales. “Some of the guys at the bar, they were trying to help us with sales. They were yelling out for us, telling people to walk by. They were like, ‘You wanna buy some cookies? They take Venmo!'”
“The great thing about it was, like, everyone’s sitting outside of these bars, so they’re ready. We didn’t have to plant ourselves down in front of a business or restaurant.”