
Don’t Say Gay bill

May 4, 2023

Dayna Troisi

Florida Expands ‘Don’t Say Gay’ & Introduces Anti-trans Bathroom Bill

The legislation feels like a never-ending attack on LGBTQ+ Floridians.
Lesbian events Central Florida

March 1, 2023

Dayna Troisi

Florida Moves To Expand ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law

If the bill is passed, employees, contractors, or students of a Florida public K-12 school will not be required to refer to others using a preferred personal title or pronoun if it does not “match their sex.”

February 9, 2023

Dayna Troisi

New Missouri Bill Pushes ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Even Further

This bill is even worse than Florida’s.

August 11, 2022

Alison Hinman

Anti-LGBTQ+ ‘Grooming’ Narrative Spiked On Social Media Following Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law

“Online hate and lies reflect and reinforce offline violence and hate,” said Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate. “The normalization of anti-LGBTQ+ narratives in digital spaces puts LGBTQ+ people in danger.”
Colored pencils and hand

May 9, 2022

Robin Kish

Florida Teacher Fired For Lesson Involving Pride Flags

Casey Scott, an art teacher in her first year with Trafalgar Middle School in Cape Coral, “was released from her probationary contract on April 18 following a complaint that she had been teaching lessons about different flags as they related to gender and sexuality,” the Fort Meyers News-Press reports. 

April 11, 2022

Robin Kish

Multiple States Propose Their Own Versions Of Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has cropped up in Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee. 

April 5, 2022

Robin Kish

NYC To Launch Ad Campaign Welcoming LGBTQ+ Floridians

On Monday, Mayor Eric Adams announced a new ad campaign encouraging LGBTQ+ Florida residents, following the passage of an anti-LGBTQ+ in the state’s legislature, to relocate to New York City.

March 29, 2022

Robin Kish

Florida Governor Signs Controversial ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Into Law

The Parental Rights in Education Bill, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, bans the teaching of content related to sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade classrooms. It passed by partisan vote in both the Florida House and Senate earlier this year. 

March 16, 2022

Robin Kish

Following Disney Debacle, Marvel Studios Denounces Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

“We strongly denounce any and ALL legislation that infringes on the basic human rights of the LGBTQIA+ community,” the studio said in a statement posted on its Twitter platform.

March 9, 2022

Robin Kish

Florida Senate Passes Controversial ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

The Parental Rights in Education bill, which has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, limits educators from addressing topics related to sexual orientation and gender identity at certain grade levels, and would allow parents to take action against schools that violate this policy.

February 25, 2022

Robin Kish

Florida House Passes Controversial ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

House Bill 1557, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, requires that schools “[prohibit] classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels” and policies that prohibit “parental notification [and] involvement in critical decisions affecting student’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being.”

February 11, 2022

Robin Kish

Tennessee Legislators Introduce Their Own ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

Senate Bill 1216 and House Bill 800, sponsored by state Senator Frank S. Nicely (R.) and Representative Bruce Griffey (R.), would prohibit educational providers from using textbooks and other materials “that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles.”

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

4 events,

8 events,

7 events,


Femme House

10 events,

7 events,


7 events,

YUMMY! at The Bush

8 events,


Queer Brown Babes

5 events,

5 events,

7 events,


Queer Connections After Work


Femme House

12 events,


Threads Reimagined

9 events,

Thirst Quench at The Bush

10 events,


Lesbian Love Letters

Fearless Queers Self-Defense Fundamentals

12 events,

6 events,

11 events,


Queer Book Group with Alex

- Recurring

Queer Voices Sung

12 events,


Femme House

9 events,

10 events,