Come write postcards to Democratic swing state voters so we can send Kamala Harris to the White House! As thanks, we have an incredible lineup of comedians who will perform toward the end of the event. Note: We will supply the postcards, but we ask that you please bring as many postcard stamps as you’re able (and extra to share with others). There will also be a tip jar to help support QED as thanks for the space and staffing for this effort.
Hosted by Lauren Ashcraft @laurensfunny
And featuring*:Carole Montgomery @carolemontgomerycomicAlex Simmons @ohalexsimmonsKyle Lewis @keepitfivestar
*Lineups subject to change.
The event is free, but space is limited so please RSVP by emailing or by “purchasing” your free ticket. Please bring a roll of postcard stamps. And tips for QED are highly encouraged.
At QED, there are fresh baked cookies, popcorn and other snacks & lots of great drink options available!
NOTE: Click here to read COVID policy. To purchase tickets you will need to affirm that you have read and agree to the QED policy.