Republicans Vote To Protect Anti-LGBT Adoption Agencies

“Any Member of Congress who supports this amendment is clearly stating that it is more important to them to discriminate than it is to find loving homes for children in need.”

Yesterday, The House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment allowing taxpayer-funded adoption agencies to deny LGBTQ families the ability to adopt a child. Adoption agencies would be able to refuse an adoption based on their religious freedom if they choose. These agencies that reject applicants, such as gay couples and divorcées, based on religious convictions would also not be denied federal funding.

Many democrats are speaking out against this discriminatory action:

“House Republicans are pandering to their far-right base at the expense of LGBTQ people and children in need of a home,” said Democratic National Committee (DNC) LGBTQ Media Director Lucas Acosta.

“Any Member of Congress who supports this amendment is clearly stating that it is more important to them to discriminate than it is to find loving homes for children in need,” said David Stacy, director of government affairs at the Human Rights Campaign.

“Congress should be focusing on ways to help children in the child welfare system find homes rather than creating needless obstacles for prospective parents, effectively shrinking the pool of qualified folks who want to provide children with a loving home. HRC urges Congress to reject this discriminatory amendment in the final appropriations bill,” Stacy continued.

Nine states already have laws in effect that allow child welfare agencies receiving taxpayer funding to deny service based on religious convictions — Alabama, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia. This potential bill would only make it harder for gay couples to adopt, and for foster children to find a loving home.

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