Roya Marsh

Photo by LaQuann Dawson.

As a nationally recognized writer, poet, activist, and educator, Roya Marsh always seems to have the right words to say. From Poetry Magazine to the Huffington Post, Marsh’s work can be seen in multiple publications, and “dayliGht,” her debut collection of poems, was published in March 2020. While she writes to express herself, Marsh has also found that her visibility as a queer Black writer — and its consequences — are what make her work worthwhile. “The most rewarding aspect of my work has been the response from youth of the LGBT+ community,” she tells GO. “My hope has always been to inform and inspire, and knowing that there are young people looking to me as a role model further encourages me to keep writing and continue fighting.” The combination of her visibility and passion for intersectionality in the LGBTQ+ community and dismantling systems of oppression fuels Marsh in the projects she takes on, like working “to shift the cultures of schools in some of the most troubled communities” and to bring more attention to the need for stronger arts education. And while being visible and proud makes the work worth it, Marsh is an educator at her core, and she knows the knowledge gained is the most important thing. “Representation isn’t the only perk,” says Marsh. “There’s also this moment when young people see someone that has done away with respectability politics and debunks preconceived notions to stand before them and tell them they deserve to be heard — to encourage their creativity and allow them to talk freely about how the world affects them.” —GP

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