Alysse Dalessandro Santiago

Photo by Mrs. Visual.

“There is no dollar amount that could ever compare to the joy of hearing from someone that they felt seen or valued because they saw me wearing something they thought they couldn’t or doing something they were told they couldn’t do,” says Alysse Dalessandro Santiago. “When I am having down days, I re-read those messages and remind myself that the work I do makes a difference and helps to foster self-love and acceptance.” As the creator and blogger behind fashion, lifestyle, and travel brand Ready to Stare, Dalessandro Santiago prides herself on being able to create visibility for those who share her identities, like plus-size queer femmes. When coming out in 2017, Dalessandro Santiago wasn’t sure how it would affect her brand, but there seemed to be no negatives; she says it actually allowed her to grow closer to her audience. Of course, while Dalessandro Santiago creates content for those who look like her or share her experiences, she says it’s important to also use your privilege to help center marginalized voices in the community. “Take the time to honor, understand, and uplift everyone in our community, not just those whose experience mirrors your own,” she says. “Our community contains folks with intersecting marginalized identities that we may not personally understand, and it’s our job to take the time to listen to how they are treated so that we can use the privilege that we may have to be their champions.” —IL

Click here to see all 100 amazing women from this year’s class of Women We Love!

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