100 Women We Love 2016

Here’s to this year's class of the women who inspire us, give us hope, make us laugh and make us want to get up and dance. 


In January, Rev. Cynthia Meyer came out to her congregation at Edgerton United Methodist Church in Kansas. “I’ve been an ordained United Methodist pastor for 25 years,” she said from the pulpit. “At last, I am choosing to serve in that role with full authenticity, as my genuine self, as a woman who loves and shares my life with another woman.” Unfortunately, UMC does not allow openly gay people to be pastoral leaders. A charge has been filed against Meyer, with a church trial tentatively scheduled. “I join many faithful United Methodist Christians in challenging this discriminatory policy,” she says. “All are created in the image of God as God’s own beloved children and Jesus reached out in welcome, calling all, particularly the judged and outcast, to his table of love.” Regardless of what happens, Meyer stands by her actions. “I am willing to take this risk to help LGBTQI people know that they are beloved by God and by many Jesus followers, that they can connect with the church and serve as clergy and leaders in religious institutions and that we are of sacred worth and are entirely compatible with Christian teaching! It’s time for full inclusion and affirma-tion in the UMC, as well as in the broader society.” –GH

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